Social Report

CSR Procurement

History of Kuraray’s CSR Procurement Activities

・Promotes Green Procurement to Business Partners (2002–)

Under the “Kuraray Group Action Guidelines for the Global Environment” (established in 1993), we formulated our “Green Procurement Standards” in 2002 to promote global environmental preservation with the cooperation of our business partners. We also distributed a booklet comprising the above standards to around 800 key business partners and evaluated the status of initiatives at each company by way of a checklist.

・Develops into CSR Procurement (2005–)

In 2005, we formulated the “Kuraray CSR Procurement Policy” based on the “10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact”, which are both international and universal. This policy has become more comprehensive than before as it has added sections on “Respect for human rights and individuality” and “Compliance” to the “Promotion of Green Procurement” section. We requested the understanding of this policy from business partners and grasped the CSR procurement status of around 700 key business partners by conducting questionnaires about the CSR procurement. Following the survey, we provided feedback and improvement requests to business partners in Japan with some problems.

・Continuation of CSR Procurement―2016 Onward

The Kuraray Group will continue checking the CSR procurement activities of suppliers before purchases are made from new suppliers.

CSR Procurement Policy of Kuraray

Respect for Human Rights
  1. Respect for Human Rights
  2. Observance of the International Labor Organization’s core labor standards
    • Guarantee of the right to organize and the right to collective bargaining
    • Prohibition of compulsory labor
    • Prohibition of child labor
  • Compliance policy
  • Compliance systems
  • Compliance education program
Promotion of Green Procurement
  • Preparation of environmental policies and environmental reports
  • Green procurement implementation plan and implementation apparatus
  • ISO14001 certification
  • Education and awareness campaign for green procurement

Kuraray’s Activities for Purchases of Green Commodities

In 2002, Kuraray set its “Green Procurement Guidelines” for purchases of 107 items in nine product categories needed for its business operations, including stationery, office equipment and automobiles. Since then, the Kuraray Group has been undertaking activities to preferentially and actively purchase Green Commodities that are low in environmental load. These activities will continuously be undertaken.