Interaction with Society
Since its founding in 1926, the Kuraray Group has held to the philosophy that the purpose of companies is not to merely pursue profits, but to contribute to society. As well as contributing to society through our products and services, we have also contributed to the local communities in the locations where our Japanese plants and overseas subsidiaries are based. We have also carried on contributions to culture and academia since our founding, and contributed to welfare for people in need. In 2016, we established the Kuraray Foundation, a general incorporated foundation funded by Kuraray. It carries out continuous social contribution activities from an independent perspective regardless of changes in the economic environment.
Since the 2000s, the Kuraray Group has established overseas bases and carried out M&A, growing into a global company. This means that we must engage with society on a global scale to fulfill our responsibilities. Based on the Kuraray Group Policy for Social Contribution Activities, our bases in each country continues to carry out social contribution activities aligned to their local communities. In 2023, we almost resumed activities that had been in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. United by Kuraray’s philosophy of social contribution with society and work, the entire Kuraray Group will continue to work together towards a sustainable world.
Goals and Actual Results in Social Interaction
Kuraray Group Policy for Social Contribution Activities
To fulfill its responsibilities as a member of society, the Kuraray Group shall make vigorous approaches to philanthropic activities in accordance with the following policy.
Types of Activities
- Activities that lead to a resolution of social issue
- Activities rooted in local communities where Kuraray's establishments are based
- Activities emphasizing participation by employees on their own initiative
- Activities that are sustainable in the long term
Areas of Activities:Priority areas: culture, science,environment, and social welfare
Together with local communities
The Kuraray Group is a chemical manufacturer with nine production bases in Japan and 46 bases overseas. We are grateful to every member of the local communities that support our growth. We will continue to love our local communities and work with them sincerely.
During the first half of 2023, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had limited opportunities to meet and talk with local residents. However, in the latter half of the year, we were able to resume activities at our production sites in Japan and overseas, and even initiate new initiatives for social contribution.
<Activities in Each Community>
Site | Examples of Activities | |
Japan |
Chemistry Class for Elementary Schoolchildren Holding Local Resident and Student Sports Tournaments Cleanup Activities on Beaches and Roads around Production Sites Fundraising Activities, Donation Matching Program called the Kuraray Fureai Fund Hosting or participating in community events such as "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party” Promoting the “Sending School Backpacks Across the Sea” campaign |
Overseas |
Providing Disaster Relief for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Donations and Support Activities for people in need Donation Activities to Support Education Renovation of Community Facilities Community Cleanup Activities for Restoring the Natural Beauty of the Local Area |
Kuraray Foundation Home │ Kuraray Foundation |
Support for improving maternal and child healthcare Honoring scholars of Japanese culture, Restoration and Preservation of Art, and Fostering Young Artists Providing research results that contribute to the promotion of employment for people with disabilities |
Kurashiki Plant, Kurashiki Research Center
The Kuraray Cup Children’s Association Ball Game Tournament (softball and foot baseball) was held for the first time in three years, once again filling the Kurashiki Plant ground with the cheers of children. The summer festival was also held in the same format as before the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave employees and local residents a chance to mingle. In the “Christmas Fantasy” event, we brought back the same scale of LED lighting in the decorations on the Himalayan cedar at the plant. As well as local residents, visitors came from outside the prefecture to enjoy the spectacle. We also continued to carry out volunteer activities, such as cleaning local parks, rivers, and children’s gardens and mowing lawns. Another activity that we restarted was the Fun Chemistry Class, a course of chemistry classes that allowed schoolchildren at an elementary school near the plant to enjoy chemistry experiments. As a fundraising activity, we continued our donation matching program, the Kuraray Fureai Fund, through which we donate playground equipment to local elementary schools and children's gardens.

Saijo Plant
We resumed the cherry blossom viewing party that we had held every April before the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation was limited to local residents who wished to join. We will continue to hold the event with infection prevention measures in place so that as many people as possible can participate. Employees of the plant engaged with the local community through a variety of volunteer activities. These included resuming “Exciting Chemistry Class,” our program of chemistry classes for elementary school students in Saijo City, and cleanup activities around the workplace that employees carried out after work. Every year, we donate books to local elementary schools through the Kuraray Fureai Fund gift matching program. We also continue to support the Ehime Folk Art Museum in the cultural area of Saijo City.

Okayama Plant
The Okayama Plant focuses on educational support and environmental conservation activities. We call for submissions of paintings and works of calligraphy from nearby elementary schools and regularly hold painting and calligraphy contests at commercial facilities. We also continue to offer work experience opportunities for junior high school students and, through the Kuraray Fureai Fund, donate books to elementary schools. In environmental conservation activities, as well as cleaning the Asahigawa riverbed and roads around our business site, we took part in a cleanup of Lake Kojima. We also value interaction with the community. After putting it on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic, we resumed the summer festival, which met with a strong turnout by members of the local community. We also support local communities by donating part of the cost of rebuilding or renovating local community houses. In addition to the above, the Kuraray Fureai Fund donated support money to families who have evacuated from Ukraine to Okayama City and disaster relief money in response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

Niigata Plant
The Niigata Plant aims to contribute to the natural environment and residential environment so that our plant can earn trust from the community. We continued to hold the cherry blossom viewing party in April while making sure to carry out COVID-19 prevention measures. In 2024, we are considering expanding the scale to make it an event for further deepening our interactions with local residents. In September, the soft tennis tournament for junior high school students marked its 30th anniversary. We encouraged enrollment not only from schools but also from community clubs, and many students took part. Also in September, for the first time in four years we participated in the Minyo Nagashi folk dance festival, which was held on the eve of the local Nakajo Taisai Festival. The young employees who took part for the first time also joined in the traditional dance Nakajo Ondo as they mingled with members of the local community. In November, we held our chemistry class for elementary schoolchildren “Wondrous Laboratory” at a nearby elementary school. We also resumed meetings with local communities to engage with local residents, updating them on developments at the plant and explaining our latest business activities.

Kashima Plant
The Kashima Plant held its Fun Chemistry Class for elementary schoolchildren, returning to the lesson format that had been used before the COVID-19 pandemic. This allowed the team to engage closely with the children, introducing them to the fun of chemistry. The Kashima Plant Friendship Volleyball Tournament was also held, reaching the milestone of the 50th tournament. About 120 local residents took part in what proved to be an exciting event. Through the Kuraray Fureai Fund, we continue donating books to local elementary schools. In recognition of our achievements through the program over the years, we received an award for good deeds from Kamisu City, where the Kashima Plant is located. Among our new initiatives in 2024, we will be the main sponsor of the Kuraray Cup Citizens Soccer Tournament for local elementary school students and will also participate in biodiversity initiatives led by Kamisu City.

Tsurumi Plant
With a slogan of protecting the richness of the sea and land and creating a city where we can continue living, the Tsurumi Plant newly began a biodiversity conservation initiative from 2023. We held study sessions on the need for biodiversity conservation, on activities to restore eelgrass, which is said to be the cradle of the sea, and on the marine debris situation near the plant. As well as regular cleanups of local roads, many employees take part in cleanups of beaches near the plant. In 2024, we will continue working to preserve biodiversity. Since 2019, the Tsurumi Plant has partnered with the local tourism association to hold an open chemistry class. The class allows children to try their hand at experiments with a view to kindling their interest in science while also giving members of the community a chance to learn more about the plant. It was held again in fiscal 2023 and attendance was strong.

Tsukuba Research Center
The Tsukuba Research Center sponsors vision-impaired futsal, an activity that began with a partially sighted worker at the center. Ever since then, the center futsal club has taken part in various events that have grown its reach over the years. It has held friendly matches, teamed up with children’s soccer classes, and joined a send-off party for Japanese national team members selected from the local community for the IBSA Low Vision Futsal World Championships 2023.

Osaka Office
The Osaka Office makes use of its location in the largest office district in western Japan, helping to foster exchange and engagement among people working in the area. Among the events it sponsors are the Umeda Yukata Festival, which aims to bring workers together, and Umeda Meets Heart, an event for rediscovering all that is good about Umeda. It also takes part in events hosted by the company that owns the office building where it is based. The Osaka Plant also serves as a member of the council of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Osaka, helping to showcase outstanding technology in traditional crafts. Through the Kuraray Fureai Fund, we are working to contribute widely to the local community through donations to worthy causes in the Kansai region such as social welfare organizations.

Tokyo Head Office
Although, given its location in an office area, the Tokyo Head Office has limited direct contact with the local community, it does engage with other companies working in the same building. For example, it participates in tenant exchange events hosted by the building owner company, donates emergency stockpiles for disasters, and subsidizes employees’ social contribution activities. In addition, the Tokyo Head Office is also responsible for promoting the “Sending School Backpacks Across the Sea” campaign, managing the Kuraray Foundation, and managing donations related to social contributions such as support for disaster-stricken areas.

Overseas Affiliates
Kuraray Europe
Employees in Europe who actively contribute to society take part in various donation activities and social activities. Their participation is key to the activities of the Kuraray Group.
Donation activities include Christmas Donations, where employees recommend organizations, they would like to support themselves. In 2023, the main focus of this program was on supporting local projects near the plants and offices, such as support groups for Ukraine in the Rhine-Main region, organizations that support children with childhood cancer in Frankfurt, and small local soccer clubs. Many employees also took part in the Step Challenge. In this initiative, company colleagues walk together as much as they can over a set period of time. The distances they cover are converted to credits for donations to sustainable projects. Participants can collect steps by walking, cycling, or through other sports. Employees also participated in the Wings for Life World Run, a running event that starts at the same time all around the world. Admission fees and donations go toward spinal cord research into treatments for paralysis. “Christmas in a Shoebox” is a volunteer effort that has continued for many years. Employees pack toys and treats into cute shoeboxes as gifts for children in need.
Among the social activities was Malteser Social Day, a volunteer event in cooperation with educational institutions hosted by an NGO. In this event, many coworkers worked on the renovation of facilities at schools and family centers. Kuraray Europe, whose employees include people from Turkey and Syria, responded quickly to the Turkey-Syria earthquake that occurred in February 2023 by providing disaster relief. In 2024, Kuraray Europe will continue contributing to a sustainable world.

Kuraray America
Kuraray America is taking concrete actions to uphold its social responsibilities, supporting charitable activities with a focus on the following three areas.
First, we are working to revitalize local communities and bring out the diversity of our workforce. We fund a wide range of projects aimed at deepening cultural understanding between Japan and the US. Second, we support future generations of engineers. Among many education projects, we are focusing in particular on supporting K-12 (so-called compulsory education periods in the US) programs that improve STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills. We believe that providing opportunities to improve these skills will spark an interest in science and technology among young people, inspiring them to become engineers. Third, we are working to contribute to society by improving the natural environment and living environment. In 2020, Kuraray America set up the Kuraray Foundation of America (KFA) with the aim of serving people, the environment, and communities. KFA contributes funds to support efforts to prevent local community safety and disaster prevention, protect ecosystems, respond to air and water quality issues, and address human health and wellness issues.
In 2023, Kuraray America took part in many activities in local communities, as shown below.
Building affordable housing for those in need with Habitat for Humanity; supporting STEM education and engaging with students at safety fairs; joining organizations that support families in need and victims of domestic violence; hosting a water station at Bike Around the Bay in aid of the Galveston Bay Foundation; cleaning the waterway and protecting the local environment as part of Trash Bash, the largest, single-day waterway cleanup in Texas; providing scholarships for students pursuing a college education; taking part in cultural events such as Japan Festival Houston, etc. We also promote employee engagement through volunteer activities and gift matching. Throughout its activities, Kuraray America is guided by the belief that we can create a better and more sustainable future for all.

MonoSol believes it should take responsibility for garbage that is disposed of in the local environment. With this in mind, employees clean up along the lakefront of the local Indiana Dunes National Park every year. In 2023, MonoSol also carried out a tidy up of Deer Trail Park, a one-mile walkway near our Duneland facility. In the maintenance work, employees took away debris and trash from the trail, and installing a bed of mulch along the trail. By clearing up garbage that has been thrown away, MonoSol will help restore the natural beauty of the local area.

Calgon Carbon
In June 2023, Pittsburgh employees and their families, together with Pittsburgh Pirates volunteers, joined a fundraising campaign by Operation Troop Appreciation, collecting $10,000 in donations to support the work of that organization. Calgon Carbon Corporation also supports the Kennedy Township Dek Hockey League, a non-profit sports organization founded in 2006. It provides a place and equipment so that children between the ages of five and 18 can play dek hockey safely.

Kuraray South America
Since 2017, Kuraray South America has partnered with the Brazilian NGO Casa do Zezinho. This organization was founded 29 years ago and is located in a district called Capão Redondo, which is surrounded by favelas. Currently, around 1,000 children and their families attend the facility. The organization opens its doors to low-income children and young people aiming to provide education and food, break down social and economic barriers, and help them develop independent thinking skills that will enable them to pursue their goals in life. As well as donating to this organization, we also promote the sharing of Japanese culture by holding Japanese cooking and origami workshops.

Kuraray Colombia
Kuraray Colombia has partnered with United Way, an NGO foundation, supporting it through voluntary donations from employees. Our support goes toward a program called Es TuDia, which is dedicated to improving the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills of elementary school students.

Kuraray India
Starting in 2023, Kuraray India began donating to the United Nations Women’s Association Kindergarten, which provide a place of learning for economically disadvantaged children. The donations go toward children’s stationery, books, and other school supplies. We are also considering efforts to support children’s health in 2024.
Kuraray Korea
As a local welfare support initiative, Kuraray Korea donates to Mool-Pu-Rae, a single mother facility established in 2006. Employees also continue to promote volunteer activities that contribute to the community, such as caring for children in orphanages, providing meals to people in need, and cleaning up rivers.
As well as the above-mentioned initiatives, the Kuraray Group will put its heart into carrying out social contribution activities wherever it has bases around the world.
Working to overcome difficult times
Although each base normally carries out its own activities, in 2023 the Kuraray Group worked together as an organization to provide disaster relief for the Turkey-Syria earthquake. This initiative was led by Kuraray Europe and EVAL Europe. As a company headquartered in Japan, the same earthquake-prone country, Kuraray has also made donations to several humanitarian NGOs. In addition, we have provided reconstruction assistance following the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred on New Year’s Day, 2024. Both in Japan and around the world, we believe that even in difficult situations such as large-scale disasters and war, companies should do whatever they can.
In Japan, Kuraray has been carrying out its “Sending School Backpacks Across the Sea” campaign for many years. Backpacks used by elementary school students are collected and these are given to Afghan children with stationery and letters inside. Recognizing the difficult situation faced by local children and mothers, the Kuraray Foundation is now providing support for specialized in mother and child medical care through the NGO JOICFP.

Supporting relief from major disasters
Kuraray has a large-scale disaster support policy and provides assistance to areas that have been severely affected. Although the focus is on the Group’s base regions, as mentioned above, when a disaster is judged to be of global scale, we aim to select qualified targets for donations so that we can quickly support relief efforts. While Kuraray focuses on the initial response, the Kuraray Foundation, which operates with a longer-term perspective, responds to new needs that arise as efforts transition to the recovery phase.

A company steeped in culture
Kuraray was founded in Kurashiki City, an area of Japan that is steeped in culture. Although our founder lived during the Meiji era, as Japan was just opening back up to the rest of the world, he collected Western paintings for local citizens. This led to the establishment of the Ohara Museum of Art, which is famous worldwide. Since its birth, Kuraray has valued culture. We support many cultural facilities and cultural activities, including the Ohara Museum of Art and the Ehime Folk Crafts Museum, and other cultural facilities associated with Kuraray, honoring researchers of Japanese culture at the Kuraray Foundation, restoring paintings, and training young artists.

Together with people with disabilities
Kuraray is committed to employing people with disabilities. From 1997, we established Kuraray workshops at Kuraray’s five plants in Japan, providing places for people with intellectual disabilities to work. In addition, the Kuraray Foundation supports the Ohara Memorial Institute for Science of Labour, a public interest incorporated foundation, to help promote the employment of people with disabilities in corporations. The institute conducts research using labor science methods on how to solve problems related to the employment of people with intellectual disabilities and their retention after employment, and provides research results to the public.

for working with employees with intellectual disabilities
Focus: “Sending School Backpacks Across the Sea” Campaign
"Sending School Backpacks Across the Sea” is an international contribution activity in which school backpacks used in elementary schools in Japan are sent to children in Afghanistan and other areas, who are deprived of education opportunities by war. The backpacks are donated every year together filled with stationery and letters. Up to now, these backpacks have been sent to Afghanistan, Mongolia, Nepal and Cambodia.
On the 20th anniversary of the campaign that was launched in 2004, 6,705 school backpacks donated in 2023 from all over Japan crossed the ocean and were delivered along with school supplies to children at elementary schools in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. So far, the total of 156,545 school backpacks have been sent as presents. Kuraray hopes to continue to deliver more school bags to Afghan children in the future.

FY | Number of backpacks | FY | Number of backpacks |
2004 | 8,514 | 2014 | 7,908 |
2005 | 12,076 | 2015 | 7,111 |
2006 | 5,504 | 2016 | 7,732 |
2007 | 6,894 | 2017 | 6,857 |
2008 | 7,022 | 2018 | 8,076 |
2009 | 7,522 | 2019 | 7,938 |
2010 | 8,973 | 2020 | 6,010 |
2011 | 11,144 | 2021 | 7,813 |
2012 | 8,326 | 2022 | 8,024 |
2013 | 6,396 | 2023 | 6,705 |
Cumulative total | 156,545 |